"At the borders of the Mediterranean Sea"
Images and stories from the Mediterranean Sea
International Short Film Exhibition – -VII Edition

Salerno, 23-24-25 May 2024

Med-Limes "At the borders of the Mediterranean Sea", Images and Stories of the borders of the Mediterranean Sea is an International Short Film Festival promoted by FONMED – “Fondazione Sud per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo nel Mediterraneo” - which will take place in Salerno

Med-Limes "at the borders of the Mediterranean Sea" focuses on hot topics of our era. The drama of immigration, the scarcity of water resources and food products, to meet the needs of millions of individuals, the discrimination against other cultures are the themes and contents on which are based the film productions invited to participate in the event.

The themes of the Short Film Exhibition are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that were designed by the United Nations as part of a sustainable development program destined to improve the life of all the people of the planet in a universal, inclusive and indivisible way.

We decided upon the format of the independent short film because it seemed more suited to the themes that the festival has chosen to treat. Racial Discrimination, pollution of the environment, food shortages are topics that will enable either emerging filmmakers or established directors to create interlaces that will make people think and be more aware.

Despite the crisis that the cinema industry has been going through in recent decades, it still remains very strong in its communicative power. It is a direct source of emotions, feelings, and manages to convey messages dense in content.

The general objectives that the International Exhibition of the Short Film Med-Limes "at the borders of the Mediterranean Sea” proposes to pursue are:

  1. The use of the medium of cinema to spread and make known the different cultures and identities that coexist in the Mediterranean area.
  2.  The promotion of works by emerging filmmakers who have a great cultural value.
  3. Focus on the themes of the 17 SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals; spreading the principles, tools and individual commitments that each citizen and signatory state can take to achieve them.

Med-Limes "At the borders of the Mediterranean Sea" is addressed not only to the people who live in the Mediterranean area but also to all the people of the world, and to the young generations that need to be educated to the themes of respect for others and the environment.

Patrocini 2023

The general objectives

The general objectives that the MED-LIMES International Short Film Festival "Ai Confini del Mediterraneo" aims to pursue are:

  • Use the cinematographic medium to spread and make known the different cultures and identities that coexist in the Mediterranean area.
  • To introduce minor film productions, works by emerging directors who have great cultural value.
  • Focus on the themes of the 17 SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals; spreading the principles, tools and individual commitments that each citizen and signatory state can take to achieve them.

The Review is open exclusively to short films made by directors of nationalities admitted to competition. The themes of the review include the 17 SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals):

  • 1. Zero poverty  
  • 2. Zero hunger  
  • 3. Clean water and hygiene  
  • 4. Reduce inequalities  
  • 5. Responsible consumption and production  
  • 6. Clean water and sanitation  
  • 7. Renewable and accessible energy  
  • 8. Good employment and economic growth  
  • 9. Innovation and infrastructures
  • 10. Reduce inequalities  
  • 11. Sustainable cities and communities  
  • 12. Responsible use of resources  
  • 13. Fight against climate change  
  • 14. Life under water  
  • 15. Life on Earth  
  • 16. Peace, justice and solid institutions  
  • 17. Partnership for the objectives
The directors will be free to propose works whose plots have as their theme one or more themes of the festival.
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"Med-Limes" At the borders of the Mediterranean ", Images and stories of the borders of the Mediterranean is an International Short Film Festival promoted by FONMED - South Foundation for Cooperation and Development in the Mediterranean."

Some news from the review

Signing up

Short films - preferably Italian premieres - are available in the following countries: Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Akrotiri and Dhekelia (United Kingdom), Gibraltar (United Kingdom). To register for the event it is necessary to download the required documentation from the site
  • Registration form;     
  • Disclaimer

    For more details view theRules

Juries and prizes

In the context of the Review, FONMED will designate the members of the Official Jury that will be made up of personalities from the world of cinema, journalism and culture. Furthermore, a Youth Jury will be set up, presided over by high school students. The Juries will be in charge of conferring official certificates. These certificates can be dedicated to personalities who have distinguished themselves for activities similar to the FONMED's goals - "South Foundation for Cooperation and Development in the Mediterranean". The directors will be free to propose works whose plots have as their theme one or more themes of the festival.

For more details view theRules